Through this site I will share some information about the things that I enjoy doing. Until further notice the pages under below 4 themes are not yet accessible and you will find a “page not found” notice.
If you are here now it’s probably because something went wrong with the redirect or password and you need to get some information about the Wedding Party 🙂
Click HERE for Wedding Party
I have worked in numerous roles in various industries throughout my life. I enjoy sharing my experiences and help others, both companies and individuals. On this page you can find out more about my experience and several services that I offer.
I enjoy gardening. My love for beer and spicy food have pushed me to experiment growing hops and several varieties of chili peppers in my back garden. On this page you can read all about it and see some pictures of the results.
Ironman 70.3
I have always liked sports, mostly tennis and football in my childhood as well as a bit of running later in life. Inspired by my sister I have recently developed a fascination for Ironman 70.3 (1,9 km swim, 90 km cycle and 21.1 km run). Read more about this here.
I love music. My favourites are Blues and Rock’n’Roll, mostly from the 50’s to the 70’s, but I also enjoy electronic music. I enjoy music production and playing a bit of guitar and bass. I will share something over here from time to time.